Wednesday, March 4, 2009

check it out!

check out this blog! This dude is working to do development work in Chajul, Guatemala. This is where I lived for one year. It doesn't look like it has changed much.

1 comment:

  1. Kam tal ash Betty Estoy el dude! What year did you work there and what did you do? This year I am applying for Inteernational non profit status and hope to grow this work. My wife is a nurse too. attached is a news paper article on my family and my e-mail. Have fun in Europe. matibin pa micSender: michael ewens (
    ‘This is now our family’s war’
    The mood was celebratory at the annual Armed Forces Day parade: the school bands, the old-timers with pins in their hats, the Vietnam vets on motorcycles filing past cheering families waving American flags.
