Its been so good to spend time with our friends Tim and Meggan. They have been more than hospitable. We have been able to take this time to rejuvenate and feel healthy again after 2 long years of working the night shift. Its been so nice to catch up on sleep and catch up on life. Meggan and I have gone on many walks with the new addition to their family... Biruk. He is such a character and constantly making me laugh.

He likes to talk about his "eyes"... whenever I take a picture of him he tries to make this face.

Biruky boy!

Fortunetly we have been able to spend time with Dan's family while down in Southern California. Dans parents safely returned from Sudan.

Carrie ran in the Rock and Roll San Diego MARATHON! She did great.




Our new neice Grace!

My new do!

Before heading down to San Diego we took a short trip to Portland. We got to see our sweet God son Paxton.

Addi and Yamil were kind enough to have us stay at their house while we finished our jobs. While there Addi planted a garden and Yamil built a chicken coup. They make a good team and they were so hospitable. They let us take over their house for several weeks. Between working and trying to get some sleep we had a lot of fun to making meals together and hanging.
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